Outfits, Suits
Accessories, Extra body
Stellaura the Wyvern - VRChat Avatar Base (Fluffy&Scaly Versions)
About avatar:
- A fluffy and scaly wyvern with huge wings that loves flying a lot. Has basic features such as expressions, face tracking, customization, and more
- Before purchasing the avatar, you can test its public version in our world: >>Here<< (Including face tracking)
- LipSync
- Gestures
- Facetracking blendshapes (Unified Expression)
- MMD Blendshapes
- Nose, mouth and horns variations (picture below)
- Control of the avatar includes disabling physbones, floor colliders, tail control, and more (picture below)
What do you get?
- Fluffy or scaly versions
- Unitypackage (Minimum Unity version 2022.3.22f1)
- Blender project (4.2+)
- Substance 3D Painter project (8.3.1+)
What do you need?
- To edit and upload avatars, basic Unity knowledge is required.
- To customize the texture, you will need knowledge of Substance 3D Painter
- You can:
- Сreate paid/free textures, assets compatible with avatar (Textures should not contain avatar models, for example Substance 3D Painter project)
- Make commissions (re-texturing, mesh editing, etc) both should own an avatar!
- Import into any other games/software
- Upload public avatars
You can't:
- Distribute any files (Unitypackage, meshes, textures, blender or Substance Painter projects)
- Resell the avatar or any parts of the avatar
Technical details:
- Materials: 6
- Triangles: 48063
- Materials: 5
- Triangles: 39117
- About face tracking: The avatar does not include VRCFT, only Unified Expressions blendshapes. You need to set up VRCFT Templates manually. You can also use the extended version by Pawlygon
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Wyvern, Unity package, Blender/Substance/Photoshop files
Scaly 5 \ Fluffy 6
Scaly 39117 \ Fluffy 48063
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